Best Nepali Films of All Time

Best Nepali Films of All Time

Investing energy in watching motion pictures is the considerable approach to use the relaxation time. Whatever you do, watch films, music recordings or parody cuts. Looking for the best recordings names now and then might be the disturbing on account of the recordings transferred with same names. In the event that you are the fanatic of Nepali films then here are the best Nepali motion pictures of these circumstances. These days the pattern of transferring Nepali films has been expanding, to get the suitable motion picture you can experience the connections of the post. Appreciate these best Nepali motion pictures that are accessible on YouTube.

-Pashupati Prasad

The film is about a man who battles in the city to satisfy the want of his dad. He meets with the distinctive characters in the city. Some of them adore him; some of them acknowledge for his consideration and some of them jump at the chance to reject him in each minute. The motion picture is a wistful motion picture which makes the gathering of people to drop the tears toward the finish of the film. The part Khagendra Lamichhane (hero of the motion picture) is profoundly valued by the crowd. The motion picture has won numerous national honors. Watch Pashupati Prasad full motion picture.

-Chakka Panja

The motion picture is a comic drama motion picture and in addition the enlightening motion picture. This is additionally an entertainer motion picture by the gathering of humorist performing artists. The story depends on the youthful age who are keeping an eye on the inlet nations for work. The part of Deepakraj Giri and Priyanka Karki has the main part in the motion picture. The film’s title Song Purba Pachhim Rail by Rajan Raj Shiwakoti and Anju Panta has been people in general decision for quite a while. Watch Chhakka Panja full film.


The wrongdoing activity motion picture Loot is additionally the fruitful motion picture which has been recorded in the most astounding gross gathered motion picture. The motion picture discusses the five conventional folks endeavor to discover snappy approaches to get rich. The full story spins around their arrangement to ransack a bank in Kathmandu. Watch Loot full motion picture.


The name Balidaan alludes to the ‘give up’. It is the fruitful and a decent film of the considerable number of times. Over 98% of the group of onlookers increases in value. The story in light of the season of the Maoist unrest. It conveys the patriotism to the watchers, the considerable love of their mom and homeland. This is the motion picture that each Nepalese must watch. Check here to watch Balidaan motion picture.

-Kabaddi Kabaddi

The sentimental film Kabaddi is the spin-off of the hit motion picture Kabaddi (2013).The motion picture covers the way of life of the bumpy district. The motion picture conveys the grand excellence and in addition the way of life of the locale. It has gathered the most noteworthy gross in that time in the historical backdrop of Nepali motion picture Industry. Watch Kabaddi full motion picture.

-Woda Number Chaa

The motion picture discusses the past story of Nepal. How the general population were influenced because of the maoist unrest. The story encompasses around the Nuwakot town and mirrors the general public with the terms the cast separation, fights, and many terms. The motion picture was awesome and must watch. Check here to watch Woda Number 6 full film.

-Talakjung vs Tulke

Talakjung versus Tulke film which contrasts the ruler way of life and the city. It likewise discusses the clammy upset and how the general population were influenced because of the transformation. The motion picture was additionally got the section for Best Foreign Language Film in foundation grants 2016 (Oscar). The motion picture was granted by NFDC National Award 2015. Watch Talakjung Vs Tulke full motion picture.


The film Jhola depends on a story by Krishna Dharabasi. The story starts from the pack of the old man. As the Storyteller saw the pack and locate the old book in his sack the primary story begins. The story chiefly discusses the Sati culture (Sati Pratha), the antiquated convention, that was predominant till the 1920s in the Nepalese society. The motion picture has additionally got the passage for Best Foreign Language Film at the 87th Academy.

Few more films you mustnot miss.

*Sano Sansar
*Darpan Chaaya
*kalo Pothi
and many more…


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