SEE Result 2076
See Result 2076 Coming Soon Stay Tuned…
After the SEE result 2075 gets published you can get all the info from here.
The SEE result 2076 is very near on it’s way. National Examination Board (NEB) has already invited called different websites, SMS companies, USSD services and IVR services for the collection of SEE 2075 data.
How to check SEE Result 2076?
There are various ways to check the SEE result 2075/2076. Students can check their SEE Result 2075 from various ways like online sites, IVR services and SMS service providers.
Some of the trusted ways to get SEE Result 2076 are :
Edusanjal: You can check your SEE result 2076 from here.
Nepal Telecom: You can check your SEE result 2076 from here.
You can also check your SEE result 2076 by using SMS service from NTC.
Type neb Symbol no and send it to 1600.
You can also check your SEE result 2076 from IVR System Also.
Dial 1601 and follow the instructions
Students can also check their SEE result 2075/2076 from USSD System (GSM postpaid/prepaid)
Dial *1600*Symbol No# to view the result
SEE Overview
Secondary Education Examination (SEE) is one of the important examinations from Nepal.
Without precedent for Nepal, seven distinct papers for seven unique regions were polished in this Secondary Education Examination (SEE). This prompted an increasingly powerful and well examination framework. And yet updates on paper spilling was viral in certain areas so as an afterthought SEE examination additionally needed to confront few kickbacks.
SEE Examination 2076
The SEE examination was officially held from Chaitra 11, 2075 to Chaitra 21, 2075 in all six provinces of Nepal. However, the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) in Province number 2 was started from Chaitra 22, 2075 to Chaitra 29, 2076.
A total number of 4,75,003 students appeared in the Secondary Education Examination (SEE Examination) held in 2075. Among 4,75,003 students appeared in the Secondary Education Examination (SEE Examination), 2,36,045 were males and 2,38,558 were females.